Entrepreneur vs Intrapreneur: Understanding the Key Differences and Advantages

Entrepreneur vs Intrapreneur: Understanding the Key Differences and Advantages | Answerthings69

Entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship are two terms that are often used interchangeably but have different meanings. They are two sides of the same coin and have different implications for businesses. In this article, we will define and explore the differences between an entrepreneur and an intrapreneur, and analyze how both roles can contribute to the success of a business.

What is an Entrepreneur?

An entrepreneur is a person who starts a business venture, assuming financial risks in the hope of making a profit. Entrepreneurs are known for their creativity, innovation, and ability to take risks. They are driven by the desire to create something new and to make a difference in the world.

Characteristics of an Entrepreneur

- Risk-taking: Entrepreneurs are willing to take risks in order to achieve their goals. They are not afraid of failure and see it as a learning opportunity.

- Visionary: Entrepreneurs are often visionaries who see opportunities where others see challenges. They have a clear vision of where they want to go and how they want to get there.

- Creativity: Entrepreneurs are creative problem solvers. They are able to see solutions where others see obstacles.

- Determination: Entrepreneurs are highly determined individuals who do not give up easily. They are committed to their vision and will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals.

- Independence: Entrepreneurs are independent and self-motivated. They do not rely on others to tell them what to do and are able to work autonomously.

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What is an Intrapreneur?

An intrapreneur is a person who works within a company and behaves like an entrepreneur, taking risks and innovating to create new products, services, or processes. Intrapreneurs are often called "internal entrepreneurs" because they use their entrepreneurial skills to drive change and innovation within an existing organization.

Characteristics of an Intrapreneur

- Innovative: Intrapreneurs are innovative thinkers who are constantly looking for ways to improve existing products, services, or processes.

- Risk-taking: Intrapreneurs are willing to take calculated risks to achieve their goals. They are not afraid of failure and see it as an opportunity to learn.

- Passionate: Intrapreneurs are passionate about what they do and are motivated by the desire to make a difference within their organization.

- Autonomous: Intrapreneurs are autonomous and self-motivated. They do not need to be told what to do and are able to work independently.

- Collaborative: Intrapreneurs are good team players who are able to work well with others. They are able to communicate their ideas effectively and get others on board with their vision.

Entrepreneur vs Intrapreneur: What's the Difference?

Entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship share many similarities, but there are also some key differences between the two.


The main difference between an entrepreneur and an intrapreneur is ownership. Entrepreneurs are the owners of their businesses, while intrapreneurs work within an existing organization.


Entrepreneurs take a higher degree of risk as they are solely responsible for the success or failure of their business. They invest their own money and resources and can lose everything if their venture fails. On the other hand, intrapreneurs take calculated risks, but they are not as high as those taken by entrepreneurs. They have the support of the organization they work for, which can help to mitigate the risk.


Entrepreneurs need to build their own resources and establish their own infrastructure to support their business. This can be a costly and time-consuming process. In contrast, intrapreneurs have access to the resources and infrastructure of the organization they work for. They can leverage these resources to develop their ideas and bring them to market.


Entrepreneurs have complete control over their business and are free to make all the decisions. They are the ultimate decision-makers and have the final say in all matters related to their business. Intrapreneurs, on the other hand, have less control over their projects. They need to work within the framework of the organization and adhere to its policies and procedures.

Advantages of Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship has several advantages that make it an attractive option for individuals who are willing to take risks and start their own businesses. Some of these advantages include:

- Autonomy: Entrepreneurs have complete control over their businesses and can make all the decisions.

- Flexibility: Entrepreneurs can set their own schedules and work on their own terms.

- Unlimited earning potential: Entrepreneurs have the potential to earn more money than they would in a traditional job.

- Personal satisfaction: Entrepreneurs have the satisfaction of knowing that they have created something of their own.

Advantages of Intrapreneurship

Intrapreneurship also has several advantages that make it an attractive option for individuals who want to innovate and drive change within an existing organization. Some of these advantages include:

- Resources: Intrapreneurs have access to the resources and infrastructure of the organization they work for.

- Reduced risk: Intrapreneurs take calculated risks, but they are not as high as those taken by entrepreneurs.

- Job security: Intrapreneurs have job security as they work within an existing organization.

- Collaboration: Intrapreneurs work within a team and have the support of their colleagues.

Entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship are two sides of the same coin, and both roles have an important place in the business world. While entrepreneurs start their own businesses and take on high risks, intrapreneurs work within existing organizations and innovate to drive change. Both roles require creativity, innovation, and a willingness to take risks, and both have their advantages and disadvantages. Ultimately, the decision to become an entrepreneur or an intrapreneur depends on an individual's personality, goals, and preferences.


1. What is the main difference between an entrepreneur and an intrapreneur?
2. What are the characteristics of an entrepreneur?
3. What are the advantages of entrepreneurship?
4. What are the advantages of intrapreneurship?
5. Can an intrapreneur become an entrepreneur?

