Difference Between CV and Resume : CV and Resume

Difference Between CV and Resume : CV vs Resume

When it comes to job hunting, the terms "CV" and "resume" are often used interchangeably, but they actually have distinct differences. A CV or curriculum vitae is a comprehensive document that includes detailed information about your academic and professional background, such as education, work experience, publications, and presentations. On the other hand, a resume is a shorter document that summarizes your relevant skills, experience, and education for a particular job.

One of the major differences between a CV and a resume is the length. A CV can be multiple pages long, while a resume is typically only one to two pages. Another difference is the level of detail; a CV is much more comprehensive, including everything from research interests to awards and grants. In contrast, a resume is tailored to a specific job, highlighting only the most relevant qualifications and experiences.

Difference Between CV and Resume

Feature CV Resume
Length Longer Shorter
Content Detailed information about academic and research history Concise information about skills and work experience
Focus Academic achievements and qualifications Relevant skills and work experience for a particular job
Publication Includes a list of publications, research, and presentations Typically does not include a list of publications or research
Purpose Used for academic positions, fellowships, grants Used for job applications in the corporate world
Language Typically used in countries outside of the United States Typically used in the United States and Canada
Photograph Generally includes a photograph Generally does not include a photograph
Education section Usually listed before work experience Can be listed before or after work experience
Personal statement Often includes a personal statement or objective Typically does not include a personal statement or objective
Accomplishments section Emphasizes academic achievements and research Emphasizes professional achievements and work experience