Difference Between Gateway and Bridge : Gateway vs Bridge | Answerthings69

Difference Between Gateway and Bridge : Gateway vs Bridge | Answerthings69

Difference Between Gateway and Bridge

A Gateway and a Bridge are two important devices used in networking. Although they are both used to connect two different networks, they serve different purposes.

A Gateway is a device that connects two networks that use different protocols. It acts as an entry or exit point for a network and it is used to translate data from one format to another. A Gateway is a very intelligent device as it is capable of analyzing the data passing through it and making decisions based on that analysis. It can also provide additional services such as security, routing, and protocol conversion.

A Bridge is used to connect two networks that use the same protocol. It is a simple device that is used to join two separate local area networks (LANs) together. A Bridge operates at the Data Link Layer (Layer 2) of the OSI model and it is used to forward data packets between the two networks.

Gateway vs Bridge

Gateway vs Bridge

Gateway vs Bridge
Criteria Gateway Bridge
Purpose Connects different networks with different protocols Connects different segments of the same network
Functionality Converts data between different protocols Forwards data within the same protocol
Network Layer Operates at the OSI network layer (Layer 3) Operates at the OSI data link layer (Layer 2)
Addressing Uses IP addresses to identify different networks Uses MAC addresses to identify different devices
Routing Performs routing between different networks Does not perform routing
Broadcast Does not forward broadcasts between networks Forwards broadcasts between different network segments
Network Size Can connect networks of different sizes and types Typically used to connect smaller network segments
Security Can provide network-level security functions Does not provide network-level security functions
Cost Generally more expensive than bridges Generally less expensive than gateways
Examples Firewall, NAT router, VPN gateway, application gateway Ethernet bridge, wireless bridge, repeater, switch, hub